Hainburg at night
Me and Annemarie
Cardinal Schonborn
Kartause chapel
Annemarie making us lunch. She kept saying "I love chicken skin" :)
I was in Gaming yesterday and the internet to do a post so I'll write about yesterday and today.
Yesterday (Tuesday) was Auatria's "Independence" Day. We had meetings all day about the School of Communion. The idea for this school would be to train and form missionaries for a period of two months and then send them on mission for a period of 10 months. This mission work would incorporate continued formation. It seems like it is something that we will be moving forward with, but a large majority of the work will fall on Witness to Hope (Sister and Me) in the beginning. This may not be a problem because Sister is thinking about working almost full time on this project and I am thinking about moving to Austria to work on in starting in June 2011. The training would take place in Gaming, Austria at the Kartause. I am also looking to work with the Language and Catechetical Institute on development and grant writing, which would be a great experience and it would benefit the Chinese students that Witness to Hope is helping to sponsor. Annemarie made us "traditional" Chinese food for lunch and she played a mini violin concert in the evening for us. After that, I went out with her for my last Kartausen Brau -- a wonderful and productive day.
Today we went to Trumau for the dedication of the new dorms for the International Theological Institute with Cardinal Schonborn. We went with all the LCI students. When we were at High Mass before the dedication, I realized that my Household brother, Johannes was serving mass! A great surprise. The ceremony was nice and Sr. Mary Paul and I came home, ordered pizza.
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